US Government Allegedly Gained Full Access to Twitter Users’ Data, Including DMs

Elon Musk reveals shocking insight into the extent of government surveillance on the platform

In a recent interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, Twitter CEO Elon Musk claimed that the US government had “full access” to user data on the social media platform, including private Direct Messages (DMs). The tech mogul expressed his astonishment upon discovering the extent to which government agencies were able to monitor users’ activities on Twitter.

Musk, who acquired Twitter in October last year in a whopping $44 billion deal, has since introduced numerous changes to the company. These range from implementing mass layoffs to modifying policies, such as charging for verified accounts, all in an effort to make the platform profitable.

During his conversation with Carlson, Musk revealed that he was previously unaware of the level of government access to Twitter users’ data. He stated, “The degree to which government agencies effectively had full access to everything that was going on on Twitter blew my mind.” When pressed by Carlson on whether this “full access” included people’s DMs, Musk confirmed, “Yes.”

This revelation has sparked widespread concern among Twitter users and privacy advocates alike. The tech community is now demanding further investigation into the matter, as well as more transparency from the social media giant.

Twitter has long been a prominent platform for public discourse and communication, but these recent allegations cast doubt on the safety and privacy of users’ personal information. With over 330 million active users worldwide, the potential scale of this surveillance is alarming.

In response to the growing concern, Twitter is expected to address the issue and outline any steps taken to ensure the privacy and security of its users. It remains to be seen how the company will manage the fallout from these claims and regain public trust.

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